Blessings ~

Practice gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude ~

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Living the Message ~ Speaking out for Immigrant Rights

Words offered at a Vigil at the Suffolk County Correctional Center in Massachusetts, May 6th ~

What more can be said when we keep on testifying and insisting that the truth be told.
            The truth about who is being harmed by our current system.
            The truth about abuses - horrific abuses.
            The truth about the amount of $$ going into our tax system by undocumented workers.
            The truth about who we are as a country where all but Native Americans are in fact 
            The truth about the many contributions made by immigrants in our communities, 
                 documented & undocumented.
            The truth about profiling.
            The truth about our complicity for the very conditions that drive so many to flee México.
            The truth about Latino/a citizens harmed by our policies.
            The truth about how for many people, they didn't cross the border - it crossed them.

       And then I realized that it's not about the message.  It's that it cannot be heard.  It won't be heard by some.  Those caught up in their own narrative, rooted in fear, hatred, greed and power.  It can't be heard by those who have been infected by that narrative.  Can't because it is their heart that has been infected, not their minds.
       We must speak to their hearts that their minds might hear.  We must tell them the stories of families being ripped apart.  Tell them how their tax dollars support a systematic tearing apart of families.  That our policies include dropping one parent over the border in one town, another parent in another town miles away and then a child --- a child, in yet another town.  Each stripped of ways to find one another.  And we must tell them how their money, our money, is used to put children in harm's way.  How it places them directly in the path of the sex trade.  And then we must speak to their hearts through our own living, crossing borders of all sorts in our daily lives and bringing others along.  This is the very best inoculation.  For once in relationship it will be the message of lies, of hatred and of fear that will find no home ~ 

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Questions for Spiritual Explorers

~What do I need to leave behind in order to become a better human being?

Past questions:
~Where did I experience the holy today?How did I participate (observer? cocreator? recipient?
~When have you followed worship/prayer/reflection with practice? Today's example, watching squirrels gather acorns and then preparing a bag for the food pantry. Email me yours at and I'll post them here.
~ Who have been your spiritual guides? Why?
~What one thing to you know to be true?