Blessings ~

Practice gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude ~

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Unitarian Universalist Congregation Offers Service of Sadness, Solace and Solidarity

     I have never been more grateful for the power of social media. As the tragic events of Monday unfolded, we needed a way to determine who might have been injured by the marathon bombings.  We always have people participating. One member is always at the finish line outside of Marathon Sports, others either participate or spectate and many work in Boston. It's such a close and caring community, I knew we needed a way to connect and keep each other informed. THANK YOU facebook, mass emailing and texting!  Within minutes notices of safety were shared and sighs of relief spread throughout the congregation.  
     Like everyone else, we're still dealing with the grief, the shock and the urge to make meaning in a time when that isn't likely possible.  What we can do is come together and make a space for people to express their grief and shock, light candles of sadness and hope be with one another as we try to move forward.  
     None of us have answers to the 'why' this happens or the 'how' we can protect ourselves but we know how to make space to companion one another.  Now is the time to do just that, and then more forward asking 'when' will we take violence in all of its many forms seriously.  Now is the time to live the answer and we can only do that in solidarity with all those impacted by acts of violence.

**The UU Congregation of Marblehead has postponed plans to celebrate Earth Day and instead will hold a service of holding sadness, sharing solace & expressing solidarity.  All are welcome.  Children will be invited to participate in an activity outside of the worship space following a story for all ages.  Consider joining us. The service will be Sunday at 10:30 am and child care is provided.

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