Blessings ~

Practice gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude ~

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Cannot bring back lives but can learn to tweet ~

A longer post later but right now I'd like to share a call to action for those using Twitter and a nudge to those who aren't yet using it but would if suddenly a reason compelled them to try (just go to and follow directions to establish an account).

HuffingtonPost was good enough to post a list of all of the Twitter Handles (account names that you can write to) of the US Senators who voted against the background check gun control measure.  If, like me, you are any of the following: displeased, outraged, disappointed, beyond words, angry, sad, frightened, ticked off by fear and/or greed based voting, etc... you might wish to directly tweet each of the following addresses and share your reaction:

@SenAlexander,@KellyAyotte,@SenJohnBarrasso,@MaxBaucus,@SenatorBegich,@RoyBlunt, @JohnBoozeman,@SenatorBur,@SaxbyChambliss,@SenDanCoats,@TomCoburn,

We cannot bring back any of the lives lost to gun violence in our country but we can impact tomorrow and the next day and the next ~ 

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