Blessings ~

Practice gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude ~

Thursday, November 29, 2012

December Spiritual Practice=Gratitude

December Gratitude Practice (invitation to one or more of the following ~)

1.      Note three things you are grateful for before each meal.  Do so in silence or aloud.  My own practice is to join hands with others if I am not alone and invite everyone to join in a moment of silent shared gratitude.
2.      Text or email or phone one or more gratitudes to another person each day.
3.      Journal, facebook, tweet (another social network tool) the words thanksx3= (and fill in three things) or gratitudes today include ........................  Whichever you choose do it ‘religiously’ throughout the month.
4.      Once each week add gratitude anonymously by sending an anonymous thank you or leaving one at someone’s office, home, locker, etc.  

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